Easter 2022 MC Discussion Questions - "Hope Resurrected" John 20

Don’t forget to ask these 4 questions when reading the text:

Who is God?

What has He done?

Who are we?

What are we to do?

Feel free to pick any of the following questions to lead your discovery and discussion. Don’t feel like you have to get through them all, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you during your time together. 

Remember, as we open our hearts, our Bibles, and our lives, let’s be sure that our discovery and discussions lead us to the Bible, personal honesty and actual action in the ways we live as we are led and lead one another to Jesus. 

1. What does Mary’s encounter with Jesus teach us about our hope of the resurrection?

2. What does John 20 teach us about the promises of God?

3. According to the sermon, what type of faith does Jesus call us to and why is this significant?

4. How have you responded in times of doubt and unbelief in your own life?

5. What are the implications of the resurrection for our lives today?